Learn From Maria 

“All big things come from small beginnings.The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision”. - James Clear

As a self taught calligraphy artist who went on to study with the wonderful Brahmin Lettering, The Bombay Lettering Company and Barbara Calzolari - Maria knows what it feels like to be a dreamer who has a passion for learning. As the eldest child and a vocal teacher Maria has a natural desire to nurture existing or draw out new abilities in others. To pass on the kindness that these three incredible women did for Maria - Maria wishes to pass on this knowledge to you.

Maria adores nurturing the minds of like minded creatives and finds joy in not only being a part of their journey but their growth beyond the class. Her in person calligraphy workshops take place in Scotland and are usually placed around Glasgow and Edinburgh. She also offers in person private classes for small groups based on request when contacted directly. Alongside this, you can also occasionally find Maria giving masterclasses at the SEC in Glasgow for both calligraphy and styling during busy exhibition periods. Come and join Maria in her next class and see what skills you can learn and remember - “you will never know if you can actually do something against all odds until you actually do it” Abby Wambach

WHAT to expect:

2.5 Hour Calligraphy Tutorial

Personalised Workbook & Utensils Provided

Step By Step Nib Introduction

Question & Answer


Below you shall find a curated list of some of Maria’s top favourite calligraphy supplies for both nib and brush work. All of these resources are carefully selected and highly recommended by Maria for not only you but herself. Click on the links below to explore the full shop and receive tips on why certain items are perfect for beginners through to pros! Remember that practice makes progress and to have fun.


Transformation isn’t a future event it is a present day activity. J.Michaels
Note from Maria

Calligraphy is more than just an art form. It is a creative release that has an invaluable positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing thanks to its slow and relaxing processes. On top of this it requires minimal inexpensive resources for practice making it a definite win win for your mind, soul and bank account.